The New England Mineral Association (NEMA) exists to further the introduction to, and support of, the fields of mineralogy and geological sciences in New England, through education, science and recreation.

A group of like-minded mineral miners, collectors, enthusiasts and scientists have collaborated to form NEMA, in order to reach out to everyone in New England (and beyond) who is interested in the mineralogy found in this area of the country. Our goal is to bring everyone together, to share information and knowledge…and to learn from each other in the process. Whether a beginner or a professional, everyone is welcome!

We hope you will join us to share information, and to help promote and continue the advancement of the science. We all have something to learn…and something to teach.


New England Mineral Association


Jeffrey Morrison – President

James Nizamoff, MS – Vice President

Don Dallaire

Rick Cernak


Jan Morrison