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Maine Geoscience Links

●  Maine Geological Survey

The Maine Geological Survey provides the people and businesses of Maine with essential geologic information about the land where we live and work. OurThe Maine Geological Survey provides the people and businesses of Maine with essential geologic information about the land where we live and work. Our experienced geologists collect and summarize information about groundwater, mineral resources, surface deposits and bedrock materials, stability of coastal properties, and natural hazards such as storms, floods, landslides, and earthquakes. We continually expand and improve this information, which is presented in thousands of free web pages, and thousands of maps and publications, available both as free digital downloads and in paper formats.

●  Maps, publications and Online Data Maine Geological Survey

●  Maine Dept. of Conservation

Welcome to the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF), the State of Maine’s support center for our many land-based,Welcome to the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF), the State of Maine’s support center for our many land-based, natural resource interests. The Department balances for and develops the state’s various land-based, natural-resources including Maine agriculture, forests, outdoor recreation and public-access.

●  Maine Dept. of Environmental Protection

Legislative mandate directs DEP to prevent, abate and control the pollution of the air, water and land. The charge is to preserve, improveLegislative mandate directs DEP to prevent, abate and control the pollution of the air, water and land. The charge is to preserve, improve and prevent diminution of the natural environment of the State. The Department is also directed to protect and enhance the public’s right to use and enjoy the State’s natural resources. The Department administers programs, educates and makes regulatory decisions that contribute to the achievement of this mission. Maine Geo-Library-The Maine Library of Geographic Information is a state-of-the-art, comprehensive, and ever expanding portal to public geospatial information and services.

●  Maine Geo-Library-Lidar

●  Geological Society of Maine (GSM)

The Geological Society of Maine is a non-profit organization dedicated to geological issues and education in Maine. The Society’s membership includes teachers, students, working geologists, aspiring geologists, retired geologists and other interested persons.

●  Maine: an Encyclopedia

Easy-to-read articles on various aspects of Maine Geology.