Mount Mica
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General information and resources
- MINDAT – Mount Mica – Hint for using the Mindat website: Look for the photo section on the top left of the page (in the banner under the mine location name). It will have photos of many of the minerals that have been found at the mine. You can also scroll down the main page for the mine and it will have a list of all the minerals that have been found at this location.
- Coromoto Minerals – homepage for Mining Operations at Mount Mica & Orchard Pit Mines, Oxford County, Maine.
- Mount Mica Tourmaline at the Harvard – Photo #1
- Mount Mica Tourmaline at the Harvard – Photo #2
Click the above image or the following link to visit: The Hamlin Collection at Harvard Online Exhibit; An online exhibit with information and history about Augustus C. Hamlin and the Hamlin necklace. Featuring historic photos, sketches, and stunning photos of historic jewelry made from famous gem-quality tourmaline crystals discovered at Mt. Mica in the late 1800s.
Click the above image or the following link to view the sketchbook in full: Catalogue of Gems and Jewels, 1890; Harvard Mineralogical Museum; Harvard University. Colored drawings of many pendants made from Mount Mica gems along with notes and values for that era – a true step back into history.
Gary Freeman oral history for the Maine Mineral & Gem Museum
Mary Freeman oral history for the Maine Mineral & Gem Museum
And even more videos…
- What a Crystal (Best Ever Mt Mica Tourmaline Pocket)
- 1820-2020 Mount Mica 200 Years of Tourmaline with Don Dallaire Maine Mineral and Gem Museum; Tourmaline Turns 200 Lecture Series
- Pretty good sized quartz crystal (Mt. Mica MMP1-12 Godfather Anniversary MTS)
- Anticipation of a big pocket (New Mt. Mica Gem Pocket)
- Big beryl in a pocket (Mt Mica MMP5-12 Beryl B)
Free Online Readable Books
- The History of Mount Mica – Augustus Choate Hamlin
- The Tourmaline – Hamlin, Augustus Choate
Books for Purchase
- The History of Mount Mica – Augustus Choate Hamlin
- The Tourmaline – Hamlin, Augustus Choate