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New England Geoscience Links

●  New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference

The NEIGC may be the oldest “non-organization” in North America whose sole purpose is to organize and present field trips in areas of recent geologic mapping and topical studies. They meet annually.

●  Connecticut Geological Survey

The CT Geological Survey works cooperatively with State Colleges and Universities, State and Federal Agencies, Municipalities, and Professional Organizations to meet the geoscience information and mapping needs of DEEP and the public. The CT Geological Survey supports graduate research and applied geologic mapping through University partnerships.

●  Geological Society of Connecticut

GOALS OF GSC: The advancement of the science and profession of geology and its related branches by encouraging education, research and service through the holding of meetings, maintaining communications, and providing a common union of its members; Contribution to the public education of the geology of Connecticut and to promote the proper use and protection of its natural resources; The advancement of professional conduct by those engaged in the collection, interpretation and use of geologic data.

●  Geological Society of New Hampshire

We are a group of geologists, professional geologists and people interested in geology. Our purpose is to advance the science of geology and the geologic sciences as a profession in New Hampshire.

●  New Hampshire Geological Survey

The Survey’s mission is to collect data and perform research on the land, mineral, and water resources of the state, and disseminate the findings to the public through maps, reports, and other publications.

●  Massachusetts Geological Survey

The Massachusetts Geological Survey is housed in the Geosciences department at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. We have been in existence since Fall 2002 as the Office of the Massachusetts State Geologist and in 2010 changed to our present name. The office employs a number of geologists, GIS technicians, and students who perform research and disseminate earth science information about the Commonwealth. We are also connected with a number of research and outreach programs at the University.

●  Rhode Island Geological Survey

The mission of the Rhode Island Geological Survey and the Rhode Island State Geologist is to provide the people of Rhode Island with quality geologic information to facilitate informed decision-making for natural resource management, economic development, conservation planning, and regulation; to provide public assistance; and to promote education. The Geological Survey will map, assess, inventory and interpret Rhode Island’s geology. The Geological Survey will support its mission by using computerized geographic information systems and databases, and by publishing maps and reports, including map publication on demand.

●  Vermont Geological Survey

The Vermont Geological Survey, also known as the Division of Geology and Mineral Resources in the Department of Environmental Conservation, conducts research and mapping relating to the geology, resources and topography of the State. Accessible geoscience data, maps and publications provide a foundation for stewardship of natural resources and for support of infrastucture.

●  Vermont Geological Society

The Vermont Geological Society is a non-profit educational corporation comprised of academic, industry, and state government members interested in promoting the study of geology in the State of Vermont.