All About Rocks
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Rocks are the solid material making up the surface of the Earth.
Minerals are the solid chemical compunds of which Rocks are made.
• The Rock Cycle – All the moving, shaking, sqeezing, erupting, exploding and eroding that the Earth gets up to keeps rocks changing from one orm to another. (4:28)
Igneous Rocks are Formed Directly from Molten Rock
• Igneous Rock Formation – Primer on the origins of Igneous Rocks (4:15)
• Classification of Igneous Rocks – How igneous rocks are classified, and what each rock tells you about the conditions under which it was formed. (20:16)
Mafic: Magnesium + Ferric (Iron) bearing, therefore dark-colored
Felsic: Feldspar + Silica bearing, therefore light-colored